nut free nerd

thoughts of a nut allergic book lover


I’m currently in the middle of senior seminar all about Philip Roth. That’s right: I’ll be reading a dozen books by Philip Roth over the course of the next semester. In an effort to gather my thoughts on these similar yet disparate texts, I’ll be reviewing them throughout the upcoming months. How far will I be able to get without turning into Philip Roth himself? Only time will tell!

Published in 1959, Goodbye, Columbus and Five Short Stories is exactly what the title promises: a collection including Philip Roth’s first novella Goodbye, Columbus as well as five short stories. Although quite different from one another, these stories are tied together through the common threads of Jewish American identity, class, growing up, memory, tradition, and community. These themes prevent the collection from feeling disconnected or disjointed, making for a seamless reading experience in which the texts build on one another. Rather than continue to talk about this collection generally, I’ve decided to discuss each story more specifically in an attempt to do them justice.

Goodbye, Columbus

This novella is the first and longest part of the collection. Here Roth tells the story of Neil and Brenda, a college-age couple from different socioeconomic backgrounds in New Jersey during the 1950s. I was particularly interested in the way relationship dynamics are described, from conversations about family and the future to birth control. How things have changed since then!

“The Conversion of the Jews”

Focusing on a thirteen-year-old boy, this story questions religious authority and forces the reader to wonder why we insist on upholding the traditions that we do. While a bit bizarre (a common theme with Roth), the ending of this story made it all worth it.

“The Defender of the Faith”

This is my favorite story out of the collection, perhaps in part because it was the most controversial of the bunch when it was first published. Roth has been accused of being anti-semitic by negatively portraying Jewish soldiers as manipulative, selfish, and conniving; however, one could argue (as I do) that Roth is simply writing about flawed characters that happen to be Jewish rather than trying to make a statement about Judaism.


This story made me genuinely angry due to the overt sexism of the protagonist. At one point he describes the sagging, aged body of his wife and ultimately has an affair with the women who lives across the street, completely ignorant of the fact that his own aging body likely looks equally unpleasant, if not worse. While I understand the literary function of this sexism (Roth later exposes Epstein, forcing him to realize his own bodily flaws), it still is jarring and unsettling to read.

“You Can’t Tell A Man By the Song He Sings”

I always forget about this story because it seems like an outlier in this collection. Nevertheless, the high school setting and convict characters are clever, hilarious, and make for a surprising and thought-provoking conclusion.

“Eli, the Fanatic”

Arguably the strangest story in the collection, Roth somehow makes its bizarre elements combine into one cohesive narrative. While I was left with the most questions after reading this story, they were questions that I didn’t mind asking myself. “Eli, the Fanatic” forces you to consider human difference, community, law, and tradition from new perspectives, providing this collection with the ideal conclusion.

Overall, my first foray into Roth’s writing entertained, captivated, and frustrated me all at the same time. I’m looking forward to seeing how these short stories compare to the novels we will be reading as this Philip Roth seminar progresses.

What are your thoughts on Goodbye, Columbus and Five Other Stories? Do you have a favorite novel by Philip Roth? Let me know in the comments section below!



13 responses to “GOODBYE, COLUMBUS AND FIVE SHORT STORIES by Philip Roth | Review”

  1. What a cool seminar to take! I was assigned Goodbye, Columbus in an American Literature course a few semesters ago, and particularly as someone with Jewish American background myself, it was a very interesting read to reflect on. I have the same book with the collection of short stories on my shelf from that class, but have yet to read anything beyond Goodbye, Columbus even though I’ve meant to. I’m really looking forward to reading more of your posts on his work! Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I’m not Jewish, so I imagine that would make the collection even more interesting

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  2. I haven’t read any Roth before…. (ashamed to say) – looking forward to the rest of your posts as the seminar continues!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I hadn’t read anything by Roth either before taking this seminar

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I love a college class that delves into one writer! I hope you have an amazing time with it. I haven’t ever picked up any of Roth’s work. He sounds like an interesting writer. I get where you’re coming from about the sexism. I’m glad that he made a point of acknowledging it, but that doesn’t necessarily make it hurt less. When I was younger and trying to make myself read Jack Kerouac because I thought that was the cool thing to do I found his casual women hating very hurtful – most especially because he was held up to be such a genius, but all I could see was racist, sexist crap. I don’t think he’s cool any more.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! It’s nice to know I’m not the only one having to deal with this—it can be so frustrating!

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  4. Gayathri Lakshminarayanan Avatar
    Gayathri Lakshminarayanan

    The Conversion of the Jews sounds intriguing. I have never read a book of his but would love to give it a try. Great review.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! They’re all definitely interesting reads!


  5. Wow… a dozen books of one author for one semester? It sounds like it would be really fun and interesting to get to know one person’s writing so thoroughly, but I wonder if you’ll be burned out by his books by the end of the semester. Is it possible for an English Lit major to get burned out by analyzing books? And how would you recover from that if you’re required to continue reading, but don’t feel like it? 🤔 Ever since your post on why you decided to major in English, I’ve been wondering a lot about what that experience would be like for me in the future.

    Anyways, I’m looking forward to reading more of your reviews for Philip Roth! Good luck with your seminar 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Zoie! Your comments always brighten my day 🙂

      I definitely think it’s possible for English majors to get burnt out from reading even when they love it (that would actually make a great topic for a blog post….). I kind of felt that way while I was at Oxford, and it’s one of the many reasons why I ultimately decided not to pursue a career in lit. I love it as a hobby, and I would hate to to lose my passion for it!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ve yet to get burned out by my school requiring me to read too many books (we spend 2 ~ 3 months on one book), but I can definitely see how burnout would happen. If you write a blog post about that topic, I would love to read it 😊

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I used to have so much time to read extra stuff in high school—definitely miss that sometimes! Although the books we read now are much more interesting 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  6. […] I mentioned in my review of Roth’s Goodbye, Columbus collection, I’m currently taking senior seminar that solely focuses on Philip Roth. A few weeks ago I was […]


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About ME //

i’m holly — former english major, current twenty-something book lover, allergic to nuts. drop me a line at or on instagram.
